Here's a straightforward guide to booking me for a voiceover session, from initial enquiry to delivery of the finished voiceover file/s.
Get in touchSimply get in touch via email or the contact form, or if you’d prefer to talk to me about your project in more detail then I’m always happy to discuss over the phone. At this stage as many details as possible would be really useful, like what the usage of the voiceover will be, how long it will be used for and roughly the amount of script/s that will need recording. I can then go away and start working on a quote.
Once I’ve received all the relevant information, I can then provide you with an accurate breakdown of the voiceover costs. A standard quote includes the studio time involved (recording the voiceover, editing the voice session if requested, delivery/transfer of audio), and all proposed usage costs.
If you’re happy with everything, then we can go ahead and book in a time for a recording session. I can normally schedule a voice session in within 24 hours from confirmation of a booking (dependent on existing bookings). My availability for voiceover sessions is Monday - Friday, 9-5pm, UK time.
SessionI can be directed live from my home studio (on a par with Soho post production recording studios), or attend a studio of your choice anywhere in the UK. I connect for live sessions using Source Connect Standard, Cleanfeed, Google Meet or Zoom. If you prefer to leave it all to me, I can self record your script and send over multiple takes so you have plenty of options to work with. All I would need in this case would be some clear direction and a pronunciation guide if necessary. Once the recording session is complete, depending on your preference I send edited or raw unedited files over to you via secure transfer.
+44 (0)7765 407 366